Case Study
Using Learning Loop to redefine social indicators
Tackling the problem of under reporting of maternal and infant deaths in rural villages and its affect on building better programmes.
Tackling the problem of under reporting of maternal and infant deaths in rural villages and its affect on building better programmes.
Create a map to understand the finer details of engaging with multiple stakeholders for a state health service system in India
Critical Tasks List used in tandem with other tools to re-define roles of various stakholders on a project and mapping them to new a programme schedule
Many complex problems have several different yet related causes and effects – with several organisations from different sectors trying to solve things individually. With many organisations having limited resources, forming partnerships is a good approach to not only increase capability, … Continued
A Creative Workshop is an opportunity to bring together and collaborate with a number of different people involved with or affected by your work. They might include the people you’re trying to reach, the partners you’re working with, experts brought … Continued
Prototyping is something we all do in our daily lives when we try out new things – from trying out new recipes while cooking to trying out different routes while going somewhere: it simply involves trying out an idea to … Continued
A Blueprint gives an overview of an organisation’s operations, such as key activities, products, services, and points of interaction with the intended audience, stakeholders and beneficiaries. Blueprints help make explicit how existing resources can be repurposed or recycled, and what … Continued
The Critical Tasks List is a way to ensure that what you set out to do is actually possible with the timeframe and budget you have available. This is useful when working alone, but becomes even more important when you … Continued