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SWOT Analysis as a self evaluation exercise

Marielle Schweickart
Sanergy, Kenya

Special Projects Consultant (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene)

The filled out SWOT analysis sheet for a product sales at Sanergy.
The filled out SWOT analysis sheet for a product sales at Sanergy.

I am working on a project to diversify the income streams of micro-entrepreneurs in the community in which we work. I am actually well into this project and I wasn’t attempting to solve a problem, per say, but I thought that some of the tools could help me think through the next few stages of it. I used the SWOT Analysis tool as a self evaluation exercise, but decided to change it a bit, by pretending I had filled it for my project 2 months ago.


This tool worked well and helped me view my project as holistically as possible and I think it would have been useful if I used it in the beginning of the project.