I want to Generate New Ideas by thinking differently.

Fast Idea Generator


Nesta (2013) Fast Idea Generator.

Level of Involvement

Fairly simple, self administered tool, needs relatively less time.

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What is it & why should I do it?

This tool allows a team to generate ideas by looking at a problem or opportunity from a range of perspectives. This helps to not only come up with new ideas for potential solutions, but also to strengthen a current proposition of offering, as it challenges it from different approaches. Comprised of 7 approaches, or challenges, you can choose the ones that seem most applicable to take the topic at hand further, thus using the tool as a stimulating start to a discussion.


The Fast Idea Generator helps to frame ideas, problems or opportunities in relation to different scenarios. It stretches the thinking around a concept in different directions, providing a stimulating discussion that will further strengthen the concept. To use the tool effectively, the starting point (problem, opportunity, concept idea or existing proposition) should be first clearly laid out.


How do I use it?

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Step 1 is to start from an existing concept, problem or opportunity and then apply the 7 challenges suggested in the worksheet. These are simple steps to help come up with alternatives that bend, break and stretch the ‘normal rules’ in such a way that you can generate many surprising ideas in a short period of time.


Step 2 is then to review the ideas and select the best ones to further flesh them out into workable innovations.



Key source of inspiration:

Nesta (2013) Fast Idea Generator.

Available online from: http://www.nesta.org.uk/publications/fast-idea-generator