I want to Test and Improve by creating an overview of how I engage with my stakeholders.

Experience Map


Schneider J., Stickdorn M., (2010)The Customer Journey Canvas. In: This is Service Design Thinking. Amsterdam: BIS Publishers.

Level of Involvement

Requires some dialogue with colleagues/peers. Plan for some time to interact and fill out in collaboration over a day maybe.

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What is it & why should I do it?

The Experience Map allows you to see your work through the eyes of the people receiving, benefitting or even funding it. It lays out the different routes and points at which these people become aware of, connect with, and feel about what you do – especially at the points when they come directly into contact with your work. Identifying these junctures, and highlighting the interactions, helps you reflect on how you engage with these people and take your work further.


The worksheet provided here shows how you can quickly define the points which determine different people’s perception of what you do – as well as the problems and opportunities each of these moments represent. A completed Experience Map is a way to condense complex information into a format more easily understood, through highlighting the key points of your offering.

How do I use it?

Experience Map-htu

Use the worksheet to document experiences from people who have been in contact with your work. Fill out one worksheet per person you have spoken with – the most rich information on this tends to come from interviews.


Capture their activities as well as their motivations and satisfaction. Be sensitive to ‘why’ as much as to ‘what’ and ‘how’.


Once you have collected a series of Experience Maps based on accounts from various people, you can make comparisons across this set to conclude what recurrent issues people have in the expectations and experiences with your service. Using this tool makes the process of testing more efficient, and improves the quality of how people experience your work.



Key source of inspiration:

Schneider J., Stickdorn M., (2010)TheCustomer Journey Canvas. In: This is Service Design Thinking. Amsterdam: BIS Publishers.

Available online from: http://files.thisisservicedesignthinking.com/tisdt_cujoca.pdf